Village Update Monday, March 30, 2020
Census 2020 News Census mailers should have arrived in everyone's mailboxes, and now is the time to fill out and submit your Census forms. Please take the time right now to make sure Clifton has an accurate count for the 2020 Census. Let's shoot for a 100% response!
New Disposal Request Homewood Disposal has asked residents to help protect their disposal operators by reducing the bulky items thrown away. For the time being, please only throw away items that fit in the 95 gallon garbage and recycling bins. Refrain from putting bulky items out with garbage.
Easter Egg Hunt In response to President Trump's request to limit gatherings to no more than 10 people through the end of April, the Village of Clifton Easter Egg Hunt, originally scheduled for April 11, 2020, will be canceled.
Gatherings Prohibited Concerned residents have complained to village officials about gatherings that do not respect the social distancing guidelines established by Governor Pritzker and recommended by President Trump through April 30. Please remember that the purpose of Governor Pritzker's Stay-at-home Order (Executive Order 2020-10) is to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 by reducing the chance of exposure. As of March 29, two cases of COVID-19 have been reported in Iroquois County, so the virus is here, and that means it is spreading locally. The first line of defense for all of us is to respect social distancing despite the short-term inconvenience.
Schools are Back, Sort-of At Central Unit #4 and other schools across the state this week, kids will be back in school, but they won't be at school. Instruction will be delivered electronically during the school day, and kids, parents, teachers, and administrators are all working to understand how this will look in our communities. Good luck, kids. We are going to tell stories about this for the rest of our lives!
Information Overload With so much in the news about Corona Virus or COVID-19, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. The State of Illinois has put together resources at If you have personal concerns or questions and are unsure where to turn, please contact the village office and we will work to provide you with direction.
Village Office The Village Office will remain open for email and telephone contact from 8 am to 11 am weekdays through Friday, April 3. The office will not be open for walk-in traffic. Village email is and the phone number is 815-694-2273.
Take care and be safe,
Andrew Winkel Village President